Focus on the Family with Jim Daly on Bott Radio

Focus on the Family

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly



Thursday, May 9

Because It’s Who We Want to Be

It's important to never take your spouse for granted. A great way to do that is to remember how you and your mate fell in love. John, and the Smalley's share why remembering your love story can help your marriage today. Then, Bill and Pam Farrel join Jim Daly to discuss how it's good to take advantage of simple opportunities for romance.

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Thursday, May 9

Having Joy as a Parent

Choosing joy is essential if you're going to have lasting happiness as a parent. John and Danny address how you can still have joy, even if you're facing difficult circumstances as a mom or dad. Plus, Jim Daly and Janel Breitenstein share how being joyful is ultimately a decision you make, even in your parenting

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Tuesday, May 7

Maturity and Forgiveness

Seeing your son or daughter mature is very rewarding. However, if your child isn't where you want them to be, Jim Daly and Dr. Randy Schroeder will encourage you to not give up. They'll even offer some ideas for how to ask for forgiveness, if you don't get something right. Also, John and Danny will discuss why forgiveness is many times a long process.

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Tuesday, May 7

If Your Spouse Isn’t the Romantic Type

What do you find romantic? Jim Daly joins Bill and Pam Farrel to discuss how men and women desire romance differently. Also, John and the Smalley's encourage you to seek to romance your spouse over getting what you want every time.

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Monday, May 6

John Lennox: Evangelism with Gentleness and Respect

Dr. John Lennox, professor of mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus), helps equip Christians to share their faith in a respectful and logical way without alienating others. Lennox, who has twice debated atheist Richard Dawkins, shares about the importance of being salt and light in the culture, encouraging us to show gentleness to people we encounter.

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Focus on the Family

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

Contact Information

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
(800) 232-6459

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